Sunday, June 14, 2020

"A Christmas Carol" (1997) - Part 4

The 1997 animated version of "A Christmas Carol" has pretty good voice cast, but there are some issues with the production.

I think the main problem with this as well as many other animated versions is that the animation just seems cheap. From all indications, this direct-to-video feature would like to have its VHS clamshell case on the family shelf with such then-recent Disney features as "The Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Lion King," but the animation looks more like what you'd see on Saturday morning TV than what would be presented at a movie theater.

That being said, it's OK and I don't think most kids are particularly discerning about animation quality when it comes to what they like to watch.

I don't think the songs here are Disney-level either, but they're serviceable enough. And again, you never know what kids might like.

The dialogue seems a bit dumbed-down too, but I do keep reminding myself that this is directed at kids and modern kids are not aficionados of Victorian dialogue.

As I mentioned before, I don't mind so much the addition of Scrooge's dog Debit, although it does soften Scrooge's character a bit.

I also kind of like how Tiny Tim was reading "Robinson Crusoe," echoing lonely young Ebenezer doing the same. It gives Scrooge empathy towards Tiny Tim in manner we don't usually see.

So, in the final analysis, I think this might be OK for kids, but it's not something their parents would necessarily want to watch with them.

Unless they need to see every version!

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