Saturday, January 30, 2021

Bonus Bret Morrison!

I had mentioned that Bret Morrison, he of "Dickens' The Christmas Carol" for Cricket Records, portrayed The Shadow on that radio series.

Bret Morrison as The Shadow with Grace Matthews as Margo Lane.

He actually played Lamont Cranston/The Shadow longer than any other actor. He's the definitive Shadow to me, as I heard him more when I started listening to old-time radio back in the day based on the episodes that were available to me. 

Our friend Orson Welles had played The Shadow early in his radio career and it's a blast to hear him, but it's hard to separate the Orson Welles-ness when listening with modern ears. Plus, he was soon busy with some other projects I may have mentioned a time or two!

Bret Morrison just is The Shadow!

Naturally a show with such a long run as "The Shadow" enjoyed had some Christmas episodes along the way. 

So, in keeping with our year-round holiday spirit, here's Bret Morrison starring in "A Gift of Murder" originally  broadcast on December 21, 1947:

That's Christmas, The Shadow style!

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