Tuesday, November 3, 2020

"A Christmas Carol" Plates - Wilton Armetale (2000-2008)

"A Christmas Carol" Plates (2000-2008) 
Wilton Armetale (Lancaster, PA)

We jump ahead to another series of plates with depictions of scenes from "A Christmas Carol" issued by Wilton Armetale from 2000-2008.

I was going to say that this is a recent set, until I realized that the first issue came out 20 years ago!

In any event, these are different from the usual collector plates in that they're made of pewter!
This gives them a totally different look.

Also, they had corresponding ornaments issued the same year as each plate. Or at least I think they did, but I can't be totally sure.

I also was unable to track down an image of the 2006 plate, but I could find the 2006 ornament!

The ornaments represent the same theme as the corresponding plate, but are not exactly the same image, so we can get at least an idea of what the 2006 plate looks like.

So, without further ado, here's what I could muster up:

Pretty cool!

Here's a look at the back of one of the plates:

What intrigues me is the little sticker:

It reads "Safe for cooking and serving food and beverages." Did/do people actually eat off of the likes of these?

Next: the "other" ornaments...

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