Tuesday, December 1, 2020

"A Christmas Carol" All-Star Team - Day 1

As we hit December, I thought it would be fun to do a countdown to Christmas!

So, what I'm going to do each day is assemble my "A Christmas Carol" All-Star Team!

I'll be going through the different characters from the book and share my favorite interpretation of each character across all media.

To make it a bit more interesting, I'm only going to include one character from each adaptation. So, for example, the 1951 British movie "Scrooge" wouldn't sweep the whole thing. I also will try to have someone from each major version as well as my own favorite versions.

These are interpretations that have stuck with me for some reason and are not always what I would consider the best, but they're my favorites!

I'm going to go in chronological order for the minor characters, then save the big ones for later, with Scrooge himself being last on Christmas Eve.

This first entry will give an idea of the whole thing...

We start with those two portly gentlemen who receive a less than warm welcome from Scrooge when they visit his office to collect for charity.

I chose the ones from the 1957 "Wonder Books" adaptation, as illustrated by C.A. Murphy:

I like the art from that book a lot and the illustration of the charity solicitors right at the beginning drew me right in!

Who's next?

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