Wednesday, August 26, 2020

"Old Scrooge: A Christmas Carol in Five Staves" (1877) - Part 3

Now that we've seen the characters from ""Old Scrooge: A Christmas Carol in Five Staves," stage adaptation by Charles A. Scott from 1877, and what they'll be wearing and sitting on, we're ready to take a look at the changes to the story, big and small.

A promised, there's one huge one!

The script follows the book pretty closely and hits most of the plot points, largely keeping a lot of the original dialogue, with the usual expository dialogue added.

Here are a few excerpts of parts I thought were interesting. The first is this exchange between Scrooge and Bob Cratchit.

This is a side of Bob Cratchit that some adaptations add. I don't think it's implied in the original text. The "real" Bob just isn't like that!

Next is this sequence with the Ghost of Christmas Present:

Odd, isn't it?

This next scene is all-new:

I like that addition, as it shows the reformed Scrooge in action, immediately changing something he had seen in the future.

Next, Scrooge runs into Bob and Tiny Tim on Christmas morning:

This omits the need for the scene at the office on December 26 and also adds a little extra for Tiny Tim.

This next one is the big one. It takes a minute to let it sink in!

Wow, so Fred is married to Belle's daughter?! Shut up! I don't think I've seen that twist before! I love a good twist!

It also adds the backstory of how Scrooge and Belle met through Fan (Fanny)!

Belle also conveniently mentions that her husband died five years ago. Hmmm...

Then Scrooge comes in:

And the play ends as Scrooge puts the moves on Belle:

So, some fun stuff from 140+ years ago!

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