Sunday, October 18, 2020

More Golden Mickey!

So, the Little Golden Book version of "Mickey's Christmas Carol" (1983) contained a scene that was not included in the cartoon itself.

This makes my thoughts stray over to the cover of said book.

The cover seen at the top is the newer edition and features a nice scene from the end of the cartoon.

The original edition, however, sported a scene not from the cartoon:

That cover shows Mickey, Minnie, Morty, Donald, Daisy and Uncle Scrooge seemingly in character singing Christmas carols.

A nice picture, but who does Daisy represent?

In the cartoon, she plays "Isabelle" (the Belle stand-in) and in he cover picture she's wearing outfit very similar to the one she wears in the breakup scene, although the coloring is a bit different:

But is she supposed to be Isabelle? She still seems young, while Scrooge is older, so it's not an older Isabelle.

Is she maybe Fred/Donald's wife? In the cartoon, it's not specified whether Fred is married or not, although he usually is in most versions, if not at least engaged. 

(I speculated before (here) that Daisy didn't portray Fred's wife in the cartoon because she was needed to play Isabelle.)

Or is the cast just having fun after shooting the show?

Or am I overanalyzing what was probably just meant to be a nice picture including the two big Disney power couples?

Well, yes, but I'm trying to make sense of it in the Mickeyverse!

What also makes things interesting is that there's a Big Golden Book which features the same characters as the first Little Golden Book, but Daisy's wearing a different coat (and a scarf):


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