Friday, April 8, 2022

Popeye and Friends - Peter Pan Records (1977) - Part 2

If you got the chance to listen to the Popeye adventure "Deck the Halls," I'm sure you'll agree with my assessment that it's bizarre!

Beyond, that, however, I find the whole thing too juvenile, and that's something I didn't like, even when I was a kid! The "Ebesneezer" name just isn't funny.

I'm a Popeye fan, though, so I do appreciate hearing Jack Mercer in the role, as he's the definitive Popeye voice.

I also think it's funny that Popeye is attempting to be the grammar police, which is a sorely needed touch of wit!

And why is this story named "Deck the Halls" anyway?

For holiday-related Popeye that's more up my alley, here's his 1933 cartoon "Seasin's Greetinks!":

That's early in the Popeye series (only the fourth release) and features Popeye's actual original voice, Billy Costello.

The Peter Pan album says Jack Mercer was the original voice, but would anyone in the intended demographic know who either Jack or Billy was?

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