Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) - Part 1

Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983)
Director: Burny Mattinson
Scrooge: Scrooge McDuck

This animated Disney adaptation from 1983 was a big deal at the time and is now regarded as a classic.

This was the first high-profile version of "A Christmas Carol" since "Scrooge" in 1970 (preceding George C. Scott's TV-movie by a year), and marked Mickey Mouse's return to the big screen for the first time in 30 years!

Not that Mickey had ever been out of the public eye, far from it, but it happened that his last theatrical cartoon was "The Simple Things," released in 1953.

Now Mickey was back with a host of his classic cartoon friends to present a version of "A Christmas Carol" starring Scrooge McDuck himself! How awesome is that? Very!

Always being about full disclosure, I admit that I'm something of a Disneyphile and Mickey Mouse has always been my favorite and I love the Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge comic books and I have OSD, so this was like a perfect storm.

I was really hoping back in the day that this would be good! So, was it...?

You bet, it's a blast!

Here's a trailer...

Next: who's who...

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